Module:Convert base

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Convert base/doc

local p = {}
function p.fromDec( f )
	local args = f.args or f
	local base = tonumber( args[2] ) or 16
	local dec = tonumber( args[1] ) or 0
	if base == 10 or dec == 0 then
		return dec
	elseif base == 16 then
		return string.format( '%X', dec )
		local chars = '0123456789ABCDEF'
		local pos
		local out = ''
		while dec > 0 do
			pos = math.mod( dec, base ) + 1
			dec = math.floor( dec / base )
			out = string.sub( chars, pos, pos ) .. out
		return out

function p.fromBase( f )
	local args = f.args or f
	local fromBase = tonumber( args[3] ) or 10
	local toBase = tonumber( args[2] ) or 16
	local dec = tonumber( args[1], fromBase ) or 0
	return p.fromDec{ dec, toBase }

function p.fromHex( f )
	return p.fromBase{ f.args[1], f.args[2], 16 }

function p.fromBin( f )
	return p.fromBase{ f.args[1], f.args[2], 2 }
return p

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