Flans Mod

Flans Mod









[N/A Official Wiki]

Flan's Mod is a mod in Attack of the B-Team created by jamioflan that adds guns and mechs to Minecraft.

Getting Started

This is a getting started guide for Flan's Mod.

First thing that you need to get started in Flan's Mod is a Modern Weapons Box.

The Modern Weapons Box allows you to create weapons such as the M40A3, M21, and Ak47.

Next if you want to start getting some of the weapons you'll most likely need to craft some Fiberglass. Fiberglass is crafted by smelting some Clay and Sand Mixture.

After you craft your first weapon, you'll want to create some ammo for it. The ammo for the weapon is usually placed below the weapon. After you craft some ammo you'll want to hit r that'll reload your weapon putting some ammo within the weapon. You can reload with a right click too. To shoot the weapon you'll want to left click and to aim down your sights you'll want to right click. There are many attachments that you can add to your weapons, these attachments include Silencer, Red Dot Sight, ACOG Sight, and Foregrip. But, before you can add these you'll need to craft a Gun Modification Table.

If you want to create Mechs you're going to first need a Vehicle Crafting Table. You'll also need some FlansModFuel to fuel your mech so that it can move around.

Video Tutorial

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