Advanced Genetics

Advanced Genetics









Official Wiki

Advanced Genetics is a mod created by ObsiLP which adds Genetic-Science to Minecraft in Attack of the B-Team.


There are 7 core machines needed to properly use this mod, and 6 optional machines. This is in addition to several items used for gathering, used in crafting, or used in conjunction with genetic abilities. All machines will require power, and the mod comes with a Combustion Generator if no other mods with compatible power are available. Thermal Expansion 3's power works with it.

The required machines are as follows; DNA Analyser, DNA Extractor, DNA Decrypter, DNA Splitter, DNA Breeder, Centrifuge, DNA Combiner.

Getting Started

  1. Using a Scraper or an Auto Scraper, you collect Skin Scales by hitting a mob with this item. This does an extremely small amount of damage to the mob.
  2. The Skin Scales are placed into a DNA Analyser in order to obtain a Cell from the mob.
  3. The Cell is placed into a DNA Extractor to extract an Encrypted Helix.
  4. The Encrypted Helix is then placed in a DNA Decrypter. It will then turn into a Helix and reveal any trait(s) it has, or if it is just a Basic Gene.
  5. The Helix can then be placed into the DNA Splitter, which will allow you to choose the Gene you wish to isolate, if the Helix contains more than one.
  6. At this point, you need to place a non-basic gene into the right slot of a DNA Breeder. This will display how much material it will take to build a Completed Gene. Genes of the same type will add two, and Basic Genes will add one.
  7. At this point you will need a Syringe to take a sample of your own blood. This is done by holding down right mouse until it shapes and then releasing.
  8. The Syringe with your blood will then need to be placed into a Centrifuge before it can be combined with the Completed Gene.
  9. Place the Completed Gene in the left slot of the DNA Combiner, and the Centrifuged Syringe on the right.
  10. After they are combined, they will need to be placed in the Centrifuge one last time.
  11. At this point the Syringe can be injected the same way that you took your blood, and you will have the selected Gene Power.

Upon death, all genetic modifications will be lost. As a safeguard, after you inject the wanted genes take a sample of your modified blood. Centrifuge it as you normally would, and then store it away. If you die, you can re-inject yourself with your old blood to restore your abilities.


All abilities are obtained through processing skin scales from mobs until you get the genes, which then must be combined with your DNA or in some cases, mob DNA. Also, abilities with a key binding can be assigned a different key in the menu.

Passive Mob Genes:

Chicken Genes:
  • No-Fall: You don't get fall-damage anymore.
Cow Genes:
  • Infinite Milk: When you add this to yourself or a mob, you or the mob gives milk like a Cow.
Horse Genes:
  • Jump: You can jump higher.
Ocelot Genes:
  • Speed: You can run faster.
  • Avoid Creepers: Creeper won't explode when you are close enough. They will also flee like they flee from Ocelots.
Sheep Genes:
  • Wooly: When you add this to yourself or a mob, you or the mob drops wool when you shear it.
  • Eat Grass: When you are hungry, just right-click a grass block.
Bat Genes:
  • Fly: You can fly, like in creative mode! Note: This ability also gives you Fall-Resistance.
Mooshroom Genes:
  • Produce Stew: When you add this to yourself or a mob, you or the mob gives stew like Moohshrooms.
Squid Genes:
  • Water Breather: You have infinite breath under water.

Neutral Mob Genes:

Enderman Genes:
  • Teleporter: When you press 'Y' you will throw an enderpearl which teleports you but you won't take damage.
  • Save Your Inventory: To use this gene first you have to make a death enderchest, place it somewhere and right-click it. Now when you die, your inventory will be saved in this chest.
Spider Genes:
  • Climb: You can climb up walls.
Zombie Pigman Genes:
  • Swim In Lava: You have fire resistance like Pigman.

Hostile Mob Genes:

Blaze Genes:
  • Shoot Fireballs: You can shoot fireballs, which will set mobs or blocks on fire.
Creeper Genes:
  • Explode Yourself: Press 'U' 8x and you will explode like a Creeper!
Ghast Genes:
  • Destroy Blocks With Fireballs: You can shoot fireballs, which will explode when they hit something.
Skeleton Genes:
  • Infinity: You don't need arrows anymore when shooting with the Genetic Bow.
Slime Genes:
  • Slimy: When you die you will drop Slime-Balls.
Witch Genes:
  • Throw Potions: When you press 'P' you can throw random potions.
Zombie Genes:
  • Resistance: This ability gives you a Resistance potion effect.

Utility Mob Genes:

Iron Golem Genes:
  • More Hearts: Increase your health by 5 hearts.

Boss Mob Genes:

Ender Dragon Genes:
  • Ender Health: To use this gene first you have to make a Health Crystal and keep it in your inventory. Now when you take damage, the Health Crystal will absorb it and will be damaged instead of you. You can also place the Health Crystal as a block. Then the blocks heals you in a range of about 20 blocks.
Wither Genes:
  • Withers Hit: When you hit an entity it gets the 'Wither'-Effect.

Video Tutorials

Finding it hard to follow along with the Advanced Genetics tutorial above? Don't worry we've got you covered! check out these tutorials submitted by our wiki contributors...

If you want further information on how to advance further in Attack of the B-Team check out the page for the mod your interested in on the Mod list

Known Bugs

Possible Bugs

  • If you have the swim in lava gene rather than it just preventing you from taking damage it reverses the damage heals you instead. When you stand in lava it heals you by 3 hearts every time the lava should be damaging you.

Definite Bugs

  • none

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